Chi siamo

Pietro Osenga

Pietro nasce nel 1960 in mezzo alle risaie del Vercellese.

Si avvicina sin da piccolo ai cavalli grazie al nonno e al padre. Ha lavorato tutta la vita tra i cavalli in allevamenti di trotters, maneggi e negli ultimi 20 anni come vetturino a Lucca. Nella sua lunga esperienza lavorativa ha avuto l’onore di lavorare con i migliori maniscalchi, podologi e veterinari d’Europa assimilando la voglia di cercare soluzioni innovative ai problemi più comuni tra i cavalli. Da questa ventennale ricerca nasce il brevetto “Hermy’s shoes”.

Pietro was born in 1960 in the middle of the rice fields of the Vercelli area.

He approaches horses since childhood thanks to his grandfather and father. He has worked all his life among horses in trotters’ farms, riding schools and in the last 20 years as a coachman in Lucca. In his long working experience he has had the honor of working with the best farriers, podiatrists and veterinarians in Europe, assimilating the desire to seek innovative solutions to the most common problems among horses. The “Hermy’s shoes” patent was born from this twenty-year research.

Icona telefono - Universald S.r.l.

Pietro -> +39 335 5244531, +39 333 6218097

Le Hermy’s Shoes
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